Not much to explain, just follow the steps and see the amazing matrix effect happen in your DOS window: Open Notepad. Copy the below ...
Constantly Repeat Messages
This is another funny notepad trick. This tricks will cycle a message in the computer simultaneously. I have tried this trick in all the...
Continually pop the CD Drive
This is one of the funniest prank in computer. This is a really suitable trick you can play on your friend’s computer. It will continual...
Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary
Did you know that you can also use Notepad as a simple digital diary or a personal Log-Book ? Well, if you didn’t then follow the belo...
World Trade Center Attack Trick
As you might be knowing that the flight number of the plane that had hit World Trade Center on that dreadful day (9/11) was Q33NY. Now...
Send a Command’s Output to the Clipboard
Note: This will work for any command. How many times have you used the ipconfig command only to copy and paste the output? You wil...
Antivirus test [How to create a virus]
It is just a simple notepad trick Steps 1.Open Notepad. 2.Copy the code give below in the notepad file: X5O!P%@AP[4PZX54(P^...