Hi guys, it is set all folders to "detail view" by default.So many dont like to view like this like me so it takes so much time ...
Prevent PC from Shutting Down, Restarting or Sleeping
I have a Windows 7 PC at home that runs some scripts at night to perform backups and do some other stuff on my network. I have gone into ...
How to create icons online
I just founded a new site while browsing on internet It is to create a icon from a picture The site is called FavIcon from Pics
How to turn on automatic logon in your Windows PC?How to turn on automatic logon in your Windows PC?
Windows booting process is a time consuming one. Getting login dialog box may annoy you when you tend to restart often. If you are us...
10 Shortcut Keys for Yahoo Mail
Here are some keyboart shortcuts that will give you better experience with Yahoo Mail. Navigation Actions → Ne...
Free Online File Converter and downloader
This site helps to convert files online and even if u want to download a video from a link. www.zamzar.com Zamzar supports conversion b...
How to unzip files online?
Sometimes, you would want to extract a zip/rar file where the system doesn’t have the zip utility installed. It so happens when you browse ...
Antivirus test [How to create a virus]
It is just a simple notepad trick Steps 1.Open Notepad. 2.Copy the code give below in the notepad file: X5O!P%@AP[4PZX54(P^...
HyperCam HyperCam is a tool developed to help you record screen activity, while also offering a dedicated v...
Add shutdown option to right click menu on desktop
This is just a simple registry hack 1.Just download the registry hack files from the link 2.Open the file named "Shutdown on rightcli...
How to create a shortcut icon for shutdown in windows 7 or vista
This is very simple 1.Go to the location where you want to create a shortcut 2.Create a new shortcut(right click and new and then select...
Top 10 Windows xp shortcuts
1. [SHIFT] + [alt] + [PrntScrn] – high contrast A window will open, click OK or simply hit [Enter]. This will enlarge the font on all op...
Keyboard shortcuts
[Windows] + [E] = launch Windows Explorer [ALT] + [RIGHT] = go forward [ALT] + [LEFT] = go back [ALT] + [UP] = m...
Add "copy to folder" and "move to folder" to right click menu in windows 7
This is a simple registry hack 1. Download the registry hacked files 2.Extract all the files 3.Open the file "copyto"(wit...
How to add disk defragment option to right click menu
This is to add the disk defragment option to right click menu in windows 7 or vista Steps 1. Download the registry hacked files 2. Ex...
Universal Key Generator
This software can provide keys for maximum number of software's Tweet Or Like to unlock the donwload link.